Tuesday, May 20, 2008

dont take bets from your friends

it doesnt end well


fmgonzal said...

i can't believe it didn't even make it through a whole week.

fuzzy said...

damnnnnnnnnnn you broke your new deck. that sucks, i dare you to duct tape it

fmgonzal said...

i agree, if you duck tape it and make it last longer, i'll feel like my money was well spent.

Anonymous said...

fresca the money was very well spent. hearing john talk about how he was going to nollie the stairs first try for a solid 3 hours and then landing on the last 2 stairs was priceless. he did some sick moves on it before it broke too!

JAWN said...

there was like 8 bucks on the line, ok? if i woulda just gone a little faster...

fmgonzal said...

oh boys...

fuzzy said...

who the fuck skates slow as fuck like a pussy anyway, oh yeah its john